After printing the drawing from photoshop I attacked it again with my pen, to fill the gaps and work with how it was repeated.
When I felt as if it was "done" I scanned it again. I used the magic wonder tool to get rid of the background. Select the "background"and then make the selection inverse and cut and make a new document with transparent backgroundcolor, then paste the pattern and it´s done! Then it´s just to repeat the step from yesterday and repeat it as you wish.
Mine turned out like this! I´m still not pleased with how it repeats so I decided to wrap it again (by using the filter tool), print it and attack the gaps with my pen. To be continued!
(You can click the patterns to see it bigger)
kul hur du blandar datorarbete med att skriva ut och jobba med penna ...
jag jobbar också så ibland för att få möjlighet att gå i olika riktningar med en skiss inför ett screentryck
Hello dear, It's so so kind from you to explain this here.
I want to try as soon as I have time.
I was away from blogging for a looonng time and it's a pleasure to discover all your interesting postsI had missed so far!
everything is so beautiful in your place.
alexandra: ja det funkar bra. det enda är att det kan skriva ut lite snett och sen scannar man lite snett och då är det mycket jobb att räta upp det och jag blir sur. jag är ju väldigt noga med mian linjer vet du:)
lilie-melo: welcome back to blogland! I hope you get the cnace to try it, it´s really fun:)
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