Thursday, 26 November 2009

Spira 4

Today I had a presentation and discussion about my Spira time so far. To visualize my goals and how I worked I have used this model of a swimmingpool... and I´m swimming against myself! (klick it to be able to read)
It was at a meeting wih David Stiernholm the idea came up and I must say that it helps alot to visualize my goals and see how far in the process I am! If you have the chance to go to a lecture with David I would truly recommend it, it was great!


sara said...

vilket fint schema. så skönt när saker blir konkret när man själv famlar omkring med sina tankar.

Alexandra Hedberg said...

jättespännande att se! (kollade in detta i förra veckan, men hade inte tid att kommentera då!)