I havn´t been so pleased with the result of the hanging at the Röhsska museum and it´s been bugging me alot. We, the students, couldn´t hang our stuff ourself cause the museum was curating and also hanging the exhibition. I managed to slip through the rules and hung my butterflies on the wall (with help from kristin), then the museum promised to put up my posters and place my rug on the floor. Then my posters ended up glued on a board, leaning against the wall, and the rug was rejected...
I felt that all my work to try to make EVERYTHING perfect was just waisted:(
This morning I finally got into the museum and got help to hang the posters on the wall aswell, and now I feel better. Not great, but good!
Tomorrow it´s my last day at school, ever.
Jag måste gå dit och titta igen, när det är lite lugnare. Så här ser det fint ut tycker jag! Displayen av ditt arbete. Skönt med sista skoldagen :)
Vad knasigt, det är ju ändå er examination och era saker som ska tittas på.
museet har visat samma "höga" kvalitet som vår skola med risk för att låta som en bitter kärring ;) ses imorrn!
Compromising can be SOOOO difficult- especially with something like a thesis show- or final exhibition. Good luck-
Oh my goodness, your blog is completely amazing. COMPLETELY!!
I trawled through 3 consecutive pages of your older posts, with my eyes absolutley glued to the screen.
I have to say your work is one of the most beautiful styles I've ever seen in my life. So, so beautiful!
I'm upset I didn't discover your blog when you had the print giveaway!! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful craft!
Men här på bilderna ser det fint ut - typ helfint!
Men det är visset när det blir så där, man är ju lite trött och svag ändå när man jobbat mycket...
Trevlig och vilsam helg önskas dig!
oh, cecilia, i'm sorry :(
it's so difficult when someone else sticks their hands in your art. doesn't it make you want to post signs all over the museum that say: "someone has tampered with my work!" ?
by the way, congratulations on finishing your degree :)
i`m so happy about my blog and all you people out there, thanks for visiting me:)
elisabeth: ja du får ta dig en tur dit! Sista skoldagen känns underbart. fantastiskt!
Camilla: ja man tycker ju det, fast de verkar inte ha fattat galoppen, tråkigt nog.
Sandra: jag håller fullkomligt med dig. å inga stipendier fick vi heller, så förmodligen tycker de att vi är ena riktiga gnällkärringar...
Chelsea: atleast I´ve learned alot, especially about compromizing.
Chrissy: wow, thanks. You make me smile in the middle of all this mess:) welcome back!
Marie-Louise: tack Marie_louise, jag ska verkligen försöka vila mig och bli nöjd:)
Aimee: There are a few things I could concider putting up signs about... but the thing is that I´m ok now. I think. I have just accepted the fact that it´s as good as they could do it. and now I will enjoy the summer and dive into Work with new fresh spirit in august!
va fint det är :) ska nog ta mig en tur dit i sommar, det håller väl på hela sommaren?
it looks excellent from the pictures...
Natalie: jajamensan. Och om du väntar till kulturkalaset är det dessutom gratis inträde!
sara: tack!
Thereza: execellent photo perhaps, haha, seriously: this is after I changed alot of stuff. Before it looked diffrent and I wasn´t pleased at all. But now it´s better!
I think it looks awesome ;)
I know the feeling of having other people handle your artwork. It's so hard when they are in charge of the final aesthetic when you have something specific in mind, so frustrating. I'm glad you spoke up and had it put closer to what you wanted, looks really great :)
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